What to do After a Car Accident

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The last thing anyone wants to think about is being in a car accident, especially right before Christmas! However, unfortunately, these things can happen, and when they do, it’s worth knowing the steps you should take directly afterwards. Here you can learn what to do after a car accident.

Car Accident


You should always stop, no matter how minor you think the accident is, even if it’s ‘just a small bump’. Failure to do so is an offence under the Road Traffic Act, so be sure to stop in order to stay on the right side of the law. Turn your engine off and activate your hazard lights to alert other drivers of the accident.

Call 999 or 101

If no one has been injured you need to call 101 for non-emergencies. If an ambulance is needed then of course, you need to dial 999. The police also need to be contacted if the accident is blocking the road.

Provide Your Details

You’re required to give your personal details, such as your name and address, to anyone who is involved. Don’t apologise for the accident or accept blame until you know exactly what happened. In a state of shock you might accept blame or say sorry, and this could be used against you later.

Even if other people aren’t involved in the accident, you should stop and leave your details somewhere. If, for example, you hit a parked car and are unable to find the owner, you should leave your details on the windscreen, under the wiper. When the owner returns to their car and sees a smashed side mirror or dented door, they’ll be able to contact you.

Car accidents need to be reported to the police within 24 hours, otherwise you run the risk of gaining a fine, penalty points or in some cases, disqualification.

Collect the Driver’s Details

It’s important to collect as many details as possible after the accident. Whilst you may be a bit shaken up, you need to try and compose yourself and attain the following information from any drivers, passengers and witnesses:

  • - Names
  • - Addresses
  • - Contact numbers
  • - Registration numbers

It’s also worth noting down the time and date of the accident, along with the weather conditions. This information will further assist your claim and help your insurance company obtain the best possible outcome.

Hopefully you won’t ever be involved in a car accident but at least you’ll know what to do if unfortunately you are. You’ll be glad you read this blog post and you won’t be kicking yourself for not collecting enough information!

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