Price Breakdown for GMZ 2727

GMZ 2727 GMZ 2727
Registration Mark (this registration mark can be put on any age vehicle) £150.99
VAT on registration mark £30.20
Compulsory DVLA transfer fee £80.00
Fully managed secure legal transfer & documentation (We will handle the complete legal aspect of this transfer for free) FREE (saving £19.99)
Standard Delivery FREE
Total On Your Vehicle Price £261.19

Spread the cost from just £8.82 per month
How it works At your online checkout select Klarna
Choose your payment Plan Different payment plans may be shown depending on the purchase amount and your credit score.
Complete your online checkout The amount will be charged based on the payment plan you chose.
or call 01252 49 1111 to speak to one of our transfer experts at no extra cost

Important Notes

  • The compulsory DVLA transfer fee of £80 is a compulsory charge and always has to be paid at the time of purchase. This charge is for the Department For Transport to re-register your vehicle with the new registration mark - this is applicable on all transfers, including transferring your registration onto a brand new unregistered vehicle.
  • Our fully managed transfer service is required on this registration mark. This service is provided to you for FREE (saving £19.99) on this order.

If you have any questions, please call us on 01252 49 1111 to discuss - we want to make sure you're 100% happy before you order.